Mint Finds a Partnership with CAMSC

Creating community partnerships is at the core of everything Mint Health + Drugs does. It’s a big part of how we find new and innovative ways to improve the services we offer our customers and clients. That’s what makes our new connection with CAMSC so exciting. The Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council is a […]
Canadian HR Awards Gala

The Canadian HR Awards, the most prestigious showcase of excellence in the HR sector, were held in Toronto last night and we had a blast representing Mint at the gala! We want to thank the HR Awards, along with Ultimate Software and HRD Canada, for selecting us as a finalist, Purolator and IBM for taking […]
Canada’s Most Admired + Canadian HR Awards

Mint Health + Drugs is proud to be finalists in for two, count ‘em, two national HR awards! Thank you to the following: Waterstone Human Capital and their ‘Canada’s Most Admired Culture ™ Awards’ for selecting us as a finalist in the Growth category. We also want to thank Canadian HR Awards, Ultimate Software in […]