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Yellow Fever Vaccination

Yellow fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Infection occurs through the bite of an infected mosquito. The disease is prevalent in South America and sub-Saharan Africa. While anyone can contract yellow fever, older individuals are at a higher risk of severe infection. Upon being bitten by an infected mosquito, symptoms typically manifest 3 to 6 days later.

Yellow Fever Symptoms

The disease has three stages: Infection, remission, and intoxication. 

The initial phase may include fever, muscle pain, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, jaundice, joint aches, or vomiting, with most symptoms resolving after 3 to 4 days. 

However, a small percentage of patients may progress to a more severe toxic phase within 24 hours of initial recovery, experiencing high fever, jaundice, dark urine, abdominal pain, and bleeding from the mouth, nose, or stomach. 

Half of the patients who reach this toxic phase may die within 7-10 days.

Problems with many organs may occur, including the heart, liver, and kidney. Bleeding disorders, seizures, coma, and delirium may also occur.

Symptoms may include:

Decreased urination




Fever, headache, muscle aches

Irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias)

Yellow skin and eyes (jaundice)

Bleeding (may progress to hemorrhage)

Nausea and vomiting, possibly vomiting blood

Red eyes, face, tongue

Get Protected

It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or a travel health specialist to assess the specific vaccination recommendations based on the travel itinerary and individual health considerations.

Our pharmacists can offer valuable information on required and recommended vaccinations, as well as essential tips for maintaining good health while traveling. Get in touch or book an appointment with our Travel Consultation Pharmacists. 

Yellow Fever FAQs

Yellow fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic disease that is transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Symptoms typically appear 3 to 6 days after the bite of an infected mosquito.

Yellow fever is not endemic to Canada. All reported cases of yellow fever in Canada are travel-related, and there is no human-to-human transmission of the disease within the country.

There is currently no specific antiviral drug for yellow fever, but treatment is aimed at controlling the symptoms, including rest, plenty of fluids, and medication to relieve fever and aching. Vaccination is available to prevent yellow fever, and it is recommended for individuals traveling to certain tropical countries in Africa or South America. 

Prevention through vaccination, mosquito avoidance, and use of insect repellent and protective clothing is crucial, as the yellow fever vaccine provides effective long-term immunity against the disease. If you suspect you have yellow fever, it is important to seek medical advice and care promptly

Yellow fever is primarily transmitted to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes. It’s important to note that direct spread of yellow fever from one person to another does not occur, as the virus is exclusively transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes.

If you have an upcoming appointment, please fill out the Pre-Appointment form at least 48 hours before the appointment.  

Mint Health + Drugs Meridian 

Suite 2, 4402 37 Street, Stony Plain, AB

(780) 963-9792

Mint Health + Drugs Sherwood

#109, 65 Chippewa Road, Sherwood Park, AB

(780) 467-9839


Mint Health + Drugs Blue Bottle

148 17 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T2E 1L6

(403) 276-3364

Mint Health + Drugs Langdon 

#107, 355 Centre Street, Langdon, AB

(403) 936-0448

Mint Health + Drugs Crystal Ridge

Unit 5, 55 Wheatland Trail, Strathmore, AB

(403) 901-2244

Mint Health + Drugs Sterling

Suite 106, 11601 101 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

(587) 299-9555

Travel Clinic Locations

If you have an upcoming appointment, please fill out the Pre-Appointment form at least 48 hours before the appointment.

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