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Cholera Vaccination

Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease that, if left untreated, can be fatal within hours. People with severe cholera can develop severe dehydration, which can lead to kidney failure. If left untreated, severe dehydration can lead to shock, coma, and death within hours.

The infection is not likely to spread directly from one person to another; therefore, casual contact with an infected person is not a risk factor for becoming ill. 


Approximately 1 in 10 individuals with cholera will develop severe symptoms, which, in the early stages, can manifest as:

  • Restlessness or irritability
  • Profuse watery diarrhea, sometimes described as “rice-water stools”
  • Leg cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Thirst

In the initial phase, these symptoms may indicate the onset of severe cholera in a subset of affected individuals.

Cholera can cause severe dehydration, signs of this includes: 

  • dry mucous membranes
  • rapid heart rate
  • low blood pressure
  • loss of skin elasticity

When considering travel to regions where cholera is prevalent, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and the available preventive measures. 

While the risk of cholera for most travelers is generally low, certain circumstances may warrant vaccination to mitigate the potential impact of the disease.

The cholera vaccine is recommended for individuals in specific situations, including:

  • Volunteers, aid workers, and medical personnel involved in disaster relief efforts in areas where cholera outbreaks have occurred.
  • Individuals traveling to work in slums, refugee camps, or regions affected by natural disasters where access to safe food and water is limited.

Get Protected

Vaccination is also advised for those visiting countries experiencing cholera outbreaks and where maintaining care with food and water may be challenging. Additionally, it is essential to adhere to food and water precautions, practice good hand hygiene, and seek medical advice to ensure a comprehensive approach to disease prevention.

It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or a travel health specialist to assess the specific vaccination recommendations based on the travel itinerary and individual health considerations.

Our pharmacists can offer valuable information on required and recommended vaccinations, as well as essential tips for maintaining good health while traveling. Get in touch or book an appointment with our Travel Consultation Pharmacists. 

Cholera FAQs

Cholera is primarily transmitted through the ingestion of water or food that has been contaminated with the cholera bacteria, Vibrio cholerae. The contamination is usually due to feces from an infected person, which can pollute water sources or food. Inadequate water treatment, poor sanitation, and lack of hygiene are common factors that contribute to the spread of cholera. The disease is not likely to spread directly from one person to another, so casual contact with an infected person is not a significant risk factor for becoming ill.

Cholera is an uncommonly diagnosed infection in Canada, with fewer than 40 cases reported between 2010 and 2019. Most identified cases in Canada result from travel to high-risk areas, and modern-day epidemics are rare.

  1. Safe Water and Hygiene
  2. Sanitation
  3. Vaccination and Travel Precautions

Cholera is easily treatable today. The majority of people can be treated successfully through prompt administration of oral rehydration therapy (ORT). Most individuals infected with the cholera bacterium have mild symptoms and can be successfully treated with ORT. Severe cases may require rapid treatment with intravenous fluids and antibiotics.

If you have an upcoming appointment, please fill out the Pre-Appointment form at least 48 hours before the appointment.  

Mint Health + Drugs Meridian 

Suite 2, 4402 37 Street, Stony Plain, AB

(780) 963-9792

Mint Health + Drugs Sherwood

#109, 65 Chippewa Road, Sherwood Park, AB

(780) 467-9839


Mint Health + Drugs Blue Bottle

148 17 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T2E 1L6

(403) 276-3364

Mint Health + Drugs Langdon 

#107, 355 Centre Street, Langdon, AB

(403) 936-0448

Mint Health + Drugs Crystal Ridge

Unit 5, 55 Wheatland Trail, Strathmore, AB

(403) 901-2244

Mint Health + Drugs Sterling

Suite 106, 11601 101 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB

(587) 299-9555

Travel Clinic Locations

If you have an upcoming appointment, please fill out the Pre-Appointment form at least 48 hours before the appointment.

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